Kids in the Know
A national, interactive safety education program that uses age-appropriate lessons to increase children’s personal safety skills in order to reduce their risk of victimization online and in the real world.

Who is it for?
Educators and Parents/Guardians
What does it do?
Taught in numerous school divisions across Canada, Kids in the Know (KIK) uses interactive lessons to build personal safety confidence by teaching critical problem-solving skills. Designed for kindergarten to high school, the program allows educators to adapt the lesson plans and activities to meet the individual needs of every child.
KIK lessons are matched to the outcomes mandated by departments of education across Canada and are purposefully designed to create a common language to help facilitate the way we teach kids about their own personal safety.
How does it support child safety?
Safety education helps build children’s confidence, critical thinking skills, and helps prepare them for potentially dangerous situations both online and in the real world.
Topics covered by KIK include safe and responsible use of technology, healthy relationships and boundaries, daily safety habits, as well as knowing when and how to seek help.
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