As Canada’s missing children resource centre, MissingKids.ca offers families support in finding their missing child, as well as providing educational material to help prevent children from going missing.
Who is it for?
All Canadians
What does it do?
MissingKids.ca provides direct support and assistance to Canadian families searching for their loved ones. Each missing child case is unique and the response is tailored specifically to best meet the needs of the search, family, and children involved.
Families often continue to receive support from caseworkers even after a child returns home, helping to reinforce the reunification plan and make referrals to other community resources.

How does it support child safety?
The number of increasingly complex inquiries to MissingKids.ca has grown, indicating the ongoing need for prevention and education on issues related to missing and exploited children. MissingKids.ca not only offers educational material to help prevent children from going missing, but also important information about the different types of missing children cases, how to search for a missing child, and what to do when a child is located.
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Canada’s Tipline
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